Water Update
September 16, 2022
Over the past week and a half, Imlay City officials have been in constant contact with authorities at the Great Lakes Water Authority and Department of Health and Human Services who are closely monitoring the transition from Imlay City well water back to the re-routed GLWA water source. The city has requested several times that updated information be released to the residents of Imlay City as a follow-up of the first memo the County published at the end of August. The reply was, they can’t release further information until they do further testing, and Imlay City is not scheduled for further testing until September 20th.
The water that Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) delivers to our community does not contain lead. The City’s stand-by well water does not contain lead. Lead can leach into drinking water through home plumbing fixtures, and in some cases, customer service lines. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services tested a number of homes in Imlay City, of those tested, only Two (2) homes detected traces of lead above the action level. Any home that tested positive for lead has been in continued communication with DHHS, the testing entity.
Out of an abundance of caution, the state continues to provide water filters for any Imlay City water customer that has a concern. The city will continue to update you as information is made available regarding the water issues impacting all the affected communities.
Brett D. Selby
Chief of Police
Imlay City Police Department