2023 Summer Property Taxes
In accordance with Section 9.13 of the City Charter, official notice is hereby given that 2023 Summer Property Taxes will be out for collection by July 1, 2023. The 2023 Summer Taxes will be due September 15, 2023. For your convenience, tax payments can be made at ONLINE at IMLAYCITY.ORG, at ChoiceOne Bank, Imlay City Branch, 1875 S Cedar Street in Imlay City, at the after-hours drop box in front of Imlay City Offices, by mail at 150 N Main Street, Imlay City, MI 48444, or in person at Imlay City Offices Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:30PM. Â Please call (810) 724-2135 or email treasurer@imlaycity.org for more information.
Dawn Sawicki-Franz
Published by City Clerk/Treasurer